Stato di sviluppo: stabile
Funzionalità del software
Moving files and folders between google drives
Informazioni di dettaglio
Groot stable
Ultimo rilascio 2022-03-23 (stable)
Tipo di manutenzione community
Licenza AGPL-3.0-or-later
Piattaforme abilitanti Nessuna
Conformità Nessuna
Lista dipendenze Nessuna
Descrizione estesa
A simple solution written in Python to move files between Google drive folders and mantain sharing properties and IDS of the original files. It works even between different domains. An authentication json file is needed for the origin folder editor user (you can obtain the authentication json file by1 following the instructions at, the destination folder must be shared with the origin folder user as editor. Multiple istances of the script can be used on different subfolders within the origin folder as long as different destination subfolders exist in the destination folder. Usage is as very simple: python origin_folder_id destination_folder_id The json credential file must be renamed to credentials.json and put in the same folder where you put the script.